Were Like A Cult With Better Kool-Aid!

SAY WHAT? That’s not what Jeff Leslie, vice president of sales and marketing at mexican restaurant Hacienda in South Bend, Indiana thought at the time. Their advertising campaign consisted of a billboard mocking the 1978 Jim Jones cult massacre in which over 900 people died. He admitted the billboard was a mistake. He explained how the ad campaign was suppose to bring people together sort of like a team or a club and thought a cult would be a good direction to head in, well obviously it wasn’t. Tons of people in the community were offended by the billboard.

The members of the cult died from drinking cyanide-laced, grape-flavored punch. Right next to the cocktail it says “TO DIE FOR.” Really? You have to be kidding me. What sort of company would think that wouldn’t get negative feedback? Get real.

In my opinion this was poor advertising. Maybe it was shock value they were wanting along. Who knows, but you have to admit it’s pretty creepy.

February 25, 2011. Uncategorized.

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