How To Align Social Media With Traditional Media To Meet Your Business Objectives


Relationship building is one of the most important things in PR. It’s all about building relationships. In this new environment PR practitioners are having to find new ways to build their relationships. Social media is huge right now and everyone is trying to use it to their advantage. PR practitioners can use it as well to build better relationships with their clients.

Consider the central tasks of marketing: understanding, predicting and influencing customers, delivered through four fundamental objectives:

  • Informing customers of your firm’s offerings
  • Showing them the relevance of your brand
  • Removing the barriers to transactions
  • Nurturing a trustworthy relationship to assure repeat purchases

March 27, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

How Dwight Schrute Helped Me Place A Story In TIME


The title of this blog was what caught my attention. Dwight Schrute? Like the Dwight from NBC’s “The Office?” Yes! Michael Smart explained how using Dwight Schrute in a pitch letter landed him a spot in TIME. Michael was wanting to use “socially distinct” in his pitch letter, but did not know how to express it. When thinking about a word or phrase that would convey the concept he thought of Dwight from the office.

“Here was the subject line of my e-mail: Study: Embrace the Dwight Schrutes in your ‘office’ for better performance.”

Michael was very creative using a character from a well known sitcom to grab the attention of a journalist. He said, “Media loved the excuse to have a picture of Dwight posted on their Websites.”


  1. Ruthlessly trim your pitches to make them as short as possible.
  2. Among other possibilities, consider an image or concept made familiar through pop culture to make your pitch stand out.

March 27, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Reaching Consumers Via Women Bloggers

Comprehension blogs

This blog talked about how brands can reach more women consumers by using women bloggers. Women are more likely to buy a product if she has talked to another woman/mom about the product or has read a blog a woman/mom has written about the product. This makes sense because I like to read reviews about products and see what other people have experienced with the products. It’s good to know what other people have to say about a product you might buy. I guess it might be a relationship type thing that makes women feel more comfortable about buying a product that another woman has recommended. Maybe because they can relate to each other either as a woman or a mom. I think it’s great that brands are finding new ways to reach consumers.

March 27, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Real Time Is the New Primetime

Steve Rubel Blog

I liked how this blog started off with explaining “The baby monitor principle.” When babies figure out the baby monitor is there to help the parents know when the baby needs them the baby uses it to its advantage. The same is with technology. There are a hundred real-time apps available now. The blog talked about Red Laser and how consumers can use it to their advantage to buy cheaper products. Stores have already tried to empower themselves by creating apps that give consumers discounts on their phones when they physically shop inside the store. I often wonder how older generations will survive in this technical world we live in today. They are still using their newspaper coupons and my generation is using their phone for discounts. It’s crazy how much things have changed.

March 27, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Will Digital Primetime Crash The Net?

Steve Rubel Blog

This Blog was really interesting. I was aware that tons of people are switching from regular cable TV to Netflix, Hulu etc. but I had no idea the effect it could cause. Steve explained that the internets video streaming is increasing and in the next five years the internet might not be able to support all the users trying to view video. He explained how the internet could crash and that to me was surprising. In my Advertising media and markets class we were just talking about how so many people have switched to online television. People of tired of commercials and they like to view they favorite shows online whenever it is convenient to them without ads. With so many people switching to online television Hulu and netflix might one day have to have ads like television.

March 27, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Captivating Attention

Steve Rubel Blog

It’s scary to think how hard it is in today’s world to grab an audience. This blog explained the difficulties many people are facing when it comes to getting attention. All these social media outlets just aren’t doing the job. Too many people are on them now days to make yourself stick out. When talking about Twitter the blog said, “each tweet decays almost as soon as it is released .Some 92% of all retweets (and 97% of replies) are within the first 60 minutes.” That almost makes you not even want to put in the effort of tweeting. Why spend all this time on Facebook and Tweeter if no one can even get a chance to see the information you are trying to distribute?

March 27, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

How The Miami Herald Cultivates Loyal Audience For Video

Miami Herald

I was surprised that the miami Herald was one of the media outlets that had noticeable success with videos. I would have thought that tons of media outlets would have had success. It seems to me people would rather watch a video than to read an article (at least my generation.) A video can also reach a person from several different levels.

The Miami Herald found that breaking news and sports videos generate the most traffic.

“This isn’t rocket science, but do video on the things that people come to your site for,” Miami Herald Managing Editor Rick Hirsch. “You may think, ‘This would be a really great thing to do video on,’ but if it’s not on a topic or area where people are already consuming content, then it’s going to be hard to draw an audience.”

The Miami Herald gets tons of viewers on it’s site. I think that more media outlets need to have video of their Webpages. I think it would strike the attention of many people and more would be in tune with wha’ts going on in current news.

March 21, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

After 18

What happens to kids after foster care

Watching this video I admire the courage and strength these foster children have. To be pushed from house to house their whole life and then to live alone would be very difficult. My fiance works for DHS and is a child welfare specialist who deals with children like this on a daily basis. It’s difficult even for him to watch these children be pushed from a home to a shelter. It takes extreme courage for these children to go off into the world and do good on their own. I understand that most don’t make it.

March 21, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Adam Wisneski Videos

Adam Wisneski

While watching these videos I felt empathy. The video about the boxer was sad. It showed me that fame doesn’t last forever. Adam explained that heros have to step down from the spotlight and return to normal life; this video showed us exactly what that meant. The boxer was a huge star, fighting Tyson and acting in movies with Oprah. The video explained that when the fame is gone they usually spend all of their money and have nothing to live on.

The video about the Chicken Hut homicide showed how the people in Tulsa are afraid to snitch either because it gives them a bad name or could result into their own death. One man said, Nobody likes a snitch. It was amazing to me that over 100 people saw this murder, but not one person said anything. One man thought that the “no snitch policy” was for cowards. The videos purpose was to end the no snitch policy and I think it very well could if enough people watched it.

The video about the little girl’s murder was very emotional. You feel the pain in the fathers heart. The video captures the emotions one feels when they lose something very close to them. This being a little girl made it very disturbing. The father also explains in the video that no one will speak up about his daughters death.

March 21, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Out My Window

Explore Out My Window

This was an eye opening video. I loved how it let you explore the inside of concrete buildings of families who lived all over the country. It allowed me to view how others see the world and how a concrete building can hold so many memories, good and bad. The quality of the documentary is excellent. I especially liked how you could explore the documentary on your own. You could pick which country and which family you wanted to view. When in the room you could click on a person and it would give you a description of who they are or what they do. You can also click outside the window and view other buildings. In South America I clicked a building outside the window and watched a video on the buildings history. It was defiantly a piece of mind to watch how others perceive the world they live in. David from Havana explained how beautiful it was to look out his window and see the sea. He explained his connection with the sea and his meditations. It made me realize how much we take the little things in life for granted.

March 21, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

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