Inc: How to Build Your Personal Brand

While reading this link I realized that the internet can really dictate how others perceive you.

Your Personal Brand

When trying to get “your personal brand” out there it’s good to use the web, obviously. The World Wide Web can do the average personal business owner wonders. The article explained that when having your own Website  “the writing on your website should be clear and concise but also reflective of your personality.” Pretty much saying don’t make your Website boring as heck, but be professional at the same time. I liked that they added that because I think if your going to put yourself out there it should be how others perceive you in real life. You need to let the world know what your personality is like, and if they don’t like you so be it. I guess your not as cool as you thought.

“How to build your personal brand.” What captured my attention the most was that the article suggested using social networks to get your personal brand out there. I know that’s nothing new, Facebook and Twitter have been around for awhile now, but it’s amazing to look back and realize that no one was using Facebook or “Tweeting” 10 years ago. Everyday thousands of people put their personal information on these social networks, even things that could ruin their reputations. Sometimes I think there should be a class on how to use Facebook correctly, because lets face it some people are idiots, exploiting their most personal information for attention. What’s even worse is that people often exploit other people on Facebook. When used correctly Facebook can be a wonderful outlet. First of all it’s free and everyone likes free, secondly news spreads like wild fire so your information gets out quickly.

I’m currently taking a “Internet Communications” course at Oklahoma State University and this blog is a requirement for the class. I have never been one to blog and share my personal thoughts over the internet, but apparently it’s a great way to get peoples attention. Anyways, I never knew how big blogging was until my professor explained it. Before taking this class if I overheard someone talking about blogging I usually pictured a hermit sitting alone complaining about the world through their computer; obviously I was wrong. Blogging is so much more than that. You can use it to manipulate people and get them to follow your beliefs. You can use it for fun and you can use it for business. I only know a few friends who blog, but seems like it is great publicity for yourself. If you have an opportunity to show the world who you really are, do it!

January 31, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

They say a smile can change everything…

Well, this is my first blog and for those of you who don’t know me let me start off by saying HELLO! I tend to look at things a lot differently than other people so I decided to blog about how I perceive the world.

I can be a little bit sarcastic (okay, maybe a lot), but that’s just my personality. Aside from being sarcastic I am what you would could call negative/pessimistic as well. I also am unpredictable. I like to make people laugh, but I think my negativity is what makes people laugh the most. Don’t worry, I have gotten a lot more positive like I said I just look at things in a different way. I tend to worry a lot and about the most ridiculous things. I’m sure everyone worries, but I think I take it a little overboard. I always have to be on time and if I plan something it better go my way or panic mode starts to kick in.

Anyways, when I ask my friends what they think about me and my personality they usually answer, “Your just Ashley.” They think my negative personality and sarcasm is humorous. I am still trying to figure out if this is a good thing. I have been told I should have my own column in the newspaper where people ask questions and I answer called, “What’s the worst that could happen, by Ashley Farrar”, because when someone asks, “well, what’s the worst that could happen?” I usually have an answer, okay I always have an answer, but something bad could always happen. You have to be prepared! Don’t even get me started on some of my theories of what could happen. I guess the normal person wouldn’t think about gloom and doom, but that’s just me. I have been trying to look at life in a more peaceful and harmonic way.

In my effort to become a cheerful optimistic I have tried many strategies. I am open to anything so I thought I’d give a few things a shot. I have been told by many friends that smiling at strangers is a great way to get positive energy out into the world. I am already a friendly person and I consider myself out going so I thought this would be a piece of cake. I tried it for a day or two and people usually just stared at me like I was mental. Frustrated and confused I went about other ways to spread my positive energy. I complimented women’s outfits (even if they were ugly) and I started to notice people were smiling. I would tell men how nice their cologne smelled (even if it was rancid). I was surprised with how many people would light up when I complimented them, and it made me feel good because I was connecting with these people. Even when I am sarcastic people can enjoy me and take my humor home with them with a smile on their face. So maybe my pessimism isn’t the end of the world. Wait did I just refer to the end of the world? Oh well.

January 26, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.